April 15, 2008

Asus EEE 4G

I'd been thinking about it for quite a while, and I finally dove into the muddy waters of the sub-compact laptop market -- I bought an Asus EEE PC 4G in "Galaxy Black"... it should be here Friday. w00t! I'm most interested in this thing for my travel days. E.g. my upcoming trip to Vegas for the HP Tech Forum... it'd rock to be able to just have that dainty little thing instead of lugging my monster HP around!

At this time, my plans are to run XUbuntu on it, but I'm probably going to explore loading other desktops too... but only after I jack-up the RAM in that bad-boy... 512MB? I haven't had that little ram in eight years!!! Wow.

1 comment:

doschman said...

neato! I'm thinking of trying out the Everex V1500V, but have heard mixed reviews.

The new wave of "mini travel laptops" reminds me of the Gateway Handbook I have in my closet from 10+ years back, except it's a 486 ;-)