February 08, 2011


I was a bit surprised/amused this morning when I read that there is now an app to assist people with their examination of conscience in preparation for the sacrament of confession... The story from the BBC explains, "Now senior church officials in America have given it their seal of approval, in what is thought to be a first."

That American bishops are on the leading edge of the integration of technology in the Church is somewhat surprising as they don't exactly have the reputation as being techno-evangelists (of either stripe), but I'm glad to see the Church reaching out to people of my generation in ways that don't involve "guitar Masses", or other such "innovations". 

Of course, I'm not about to pull out an iPhone (or any other phone) in the confessional, but if this helps someone then I'm in favor of it... call me old fashioned, but I made my kids learn the Ten Commandments.