November 04, 2009

Compiz + UrT == FAIL

Apparently, I'm not crazy. Shocking, I know, but I've found others who have experienced frustrations while running opengl apps on top of compiz. Let me back up a second... I play Urban Terror. A lot. I've noticed, lately, that my FPS (Frames Per Second) has been HIDEOUS -- like around 30-40. This is a big problem, because I am not accustomed to playing at such crappy rates. I had noticed, periodically, that my FPS would be MUCH better, and slowly I'd correlated this to times when compiz had died when I launched UrT. SO, now when I play, I launch UrT, launch a terminal, and use the terminal to `killall compiz` so I can get good FPS when I play.

If anyone else is having this issue and has come-up with a better solution, please let me know.

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