January 03, 2009

PG2 on Vista

I had a bugger of a time getting PeerGuardian2 to work under Vista. SO, I figured I'd document my solution for others so they don't have to experience what I experienced. The biggest problem is that there are like twenty-thousand people out there that THINK they can show you how to use PG2, but most of the time they're completely wrong. That said, here's how I did it:
  1. Uninstall any instances of PG and/or PG2 that you presently have installed.
  2. Make sure the "C:\Program Files\PeerGuardian2" directory is COMPLETELY empty.
  3. Download and install PG2-RC1 from PhoenixLabs.
  4. Go through the on-screen dialog
  5. Create a batch-file that includes the following:
del /Q "C:\Program Files\PeerGuardian2\cache.p2b"
del /Q "C:\Program Files\PeerGuardian2\history.db"
del /Q "C:\Program Files\PeerGuardian2\lists\*"
start "C:\Program Files\PeerGuardian2\pg2.exe"

...the batch file is how you will launch PG2, not by any other means. That's it. It works like a champ.


Fr. Andrew said...

/dumbfounded look...eyes squint at screen...adjust screen to make sure that glare isn't the reason...scratch head trying to figure out post...closing google reader/

C.J. Steele said...

...PG2 == peerguardian2, its a program that blocks unsavory IP's from connecting to your computer -- its not exactly a firewall, it just does similar things. Most typically its used to block the MPAA and RIAA From connecting to your p2p sharing app.

Fr. Andrew said...

[flash of insight]Oh. Thanks!