March 25, 2008

Another Clinton Liar? SHOCKING!?!?!

ABC News: Clinton: I 'Misspoke' on Bosnia Recollection

So, is anyone surprised that Hillary lied about her Bosnia trip? I mean, honestly surprised? Why would you be? What kind of person stays with Bill? The kind that is just as good at his games as he is. She's evil, this is just proof. I pray for an Obama v. McCain race -- in which case I won't know WHO to vote for.


doschman said...

How do you "misspeak" about getting shot at? Guess Clinton not only made herself look like a fool, but pissed on the the skills of a Bosnian hooligan sniper. Putting the video footage aside that waive the BS flag on her already... I can't imagine a sniper having that bad of an aim... atleast the sniper can say they've truly been shot at IRL ;-)

C.J. Steele said...

an excellent question. Quite frankly, I think its fairly obvious she's a loony bent on power-grabbing. Now the disturbing part is where we have to sit-back and let the American public prove their intellect! (OMFG!!! Sometimes I can't help but think that we're a nation of retards... e.g. my morning commute!)

Unknown said...

It brings back bad memories. Remember Iran Contra, Vincent Foster, Branch Dividians, Mena Airport drugs, White Water, Rose law firm, Arkancide, Oklahoma City?

I will never forget an audio clip that I heard of a press conference in the White House. Ralph Nader recorded the audio and Sarah McClendon (D.C. reporter since the 1930's) asked President Clinton if he was involved with bringing drugs into the country while he was Governor of Arkansas. This is what he said (in a press conference with lots of press present - TV, news paper - you've seen pictures) "Sarah, I was not involved with bringing drugs into the country. That was a Federal operation". The actual allegations against Clinton were that he was involved with laundering the money from the drugs through the Arkansas Development Fund - ADFA. Even NPR had a story on (I think they named the CIA) the Federal government distributing illegal drugs in California.

There was forensic evidence that Foster's body was moved - the highest level official to die in office since Kennedy was assassinated and the investigation is handled by the D.C. Park Police?

There were rumors at the time that it was Hillary that gave the orders to have the Branch Dividian siege ended because it was getting too much coverage in the news and Bill had something coming up that she wanted to be focused on.

She obviously has no respect for the decision making capability of the American public if she would lie about sniper fire in Bosnia when there is video on You Tube. It looks like she is right. We seem to be a society well into decline.