November 05, 2008

Python in a hosted environment

I have a server that I can't exactly install whatever I want on. I need to be able to talk to a MySQL database from a Python script. I didn't have any of the database interfaces installed, and couldn't install them system-wide. What is a geek to do?

Fortunately, Python's package installer is pretty smart. SO, I created ~/python, and then used ` python install --root ~/python` to install each module I wanted to install. Next, in my actual code, I used the following to ensure python could find the modules...

import sys
sys.path.append( '/home/hostedby/python/usr/lib64/python2.3/site-packages/' )
sys.path.append( '/home/hostedby/python/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/' )

One note: ADOdb requires MySQLdb, but the errors you get from it are completely non-sensical and do not give you even the slightest indication about the inter-dependancy. You could have figured this out by reading the README ,but who does that?

My New Bumper Sticker

I found my new bumper sticker tonight... I'm bitter.

Mostly, I'm bitter that Initiated Measure 11 was defeated. I had really hoped that South Dakota would be the state to re-kindle the Supreme Court decision about abortion. I guess that plaque I have that says, "if you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans," is as accurate now as ever.

October 20, 2008

My "new" laptop

I'm posting from my "new" laptop. This is what I suspect will ultimately supercede my ASUS Eee PC, which seemed like a good idea at the time. That said, this little box isn't over-sized (yet), but I'm working on it. Here's what its go, at this moment:

$ dmesg | grep -i vga
vga1 at pci1 dev 0 function 0 "ATI Radeon Mobility M6 LY" rev 0x00
wsdisplay0 at vga1 mux 1: console (80x25, vt100 emulation)
$ dmesg | grep -i cpu
cpu0: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.40GHz ("GenuineIntel" 686-class) 2.40 GHz
cpu0 at mainbus0
npx0 at isa0 port 0xf0/16: reported by CPUID; using exception 16
$ dmesg | grep -i mem
real mem = 267411456 (255MB)
avail mem = 250511360 (238MB)
spdmem0 at iic0 addr 0x51: 256MB DDR SDRAM non-parity PC2100CL2.5

My immediate needs for this thing are: 1) a new battery (its a laptop, afterall), 2) a wireless card (a PCMCIA card that works with OpenBSD), and 3) more RAM. If by some miracle I got all three of those things taken-care of, I suspect this would be a fairly respectable little laptop! I think I could get it all taken-care of for under $200, so I'm going to see what kind of price I can get for my Eee PC...if I can get $200+ for it, I'm in like Flynn!

October 10, 2008

cable modem woes

TCP has a 16-bit port address, which allows for 65535 ports for source and destination ports. That fact appears to be lost on the vendor of my cable modem as they seem to think that 40960 is all that anyone would EVER need, however that fact is not lost on me. I have discovered this limitation "the hard way." I've crashed my cable modem three times this week while trying to conduct a pen-test for a client.

In all fairness, it seems like assuming a home user would not exceed 40960 simultaneous or embryotic connection is reasonable. That said, it still seems assinine not to support either the full-capabilities of the protocol's specifications OR that if it isn't going to handle all 65,535 ports that it at least not just die violently.

Ironically, this is not the first device I have discovered this limitation (which is why I know what is wrong here.) I've discovered this limitation in a variety of firewalls: Novell BorderManager, SonicWall, and various Linksys devices. This is, however, the first layer 2-3 device I've discovered the problem on.

October 07, 2008


Frequently, I find myself manually cleaning-up garbage files produced by various applications... be they the random swap files produced by `vi`, backup files ('*~'), or other similar riff-raff... with OS X, it had gotten so bad that I wrote a script to clean-up after Finder -- flushFinderCrap. Incidentally, I'm not the only one to loath the manual nature of this task, and some enterprising chap has written `fslint`. Bravo.

`fslint` basically automates the process of finding garbage files, or files that are otherwise undesireable, and reparing the issue(s). I highly recommend it.

AIG Executives Blow $440,000 After Getting Bailout

This is simply criminal. Words to describe my disgust and anger elude me.

In other news, I finally figured out the link between the so-called "corporate papers" market, the mortgage crisis, and the bail-out. I certainly won't bother attempting to articulate it here, but it was a proud day for if only it weren't so bloody depressing.

September 26, 2008


I've been a member of various on-line communities for a LONG time. Slashdot, Antionline, BSDForums, Digg, Reddit, various USENET groups and IRC channels, and I've ultimately found all of them lacking for one reason or another. SO, this is a request to see if anyone out there has found the perfect community... I'll go through why I don't like each of the above mentioned in the hopes that it helsp you identify what I'm looking for:
  • Slashdot - tired and old. Content was lagging.
  • Digg - whinos with a lefty bent.
  • Reddit - too busy complaining about Digg
  • Antionline - maturity was a foreign concept
  • 4chan - see antionline
  • craigslist - meh
  • redhotpawn - too many egos
  • IRC/Usenet - too many groups to actually participate in them all., what I'm looking for is a community that has a lot of different topics (like 4chan and craigslist) but without all the bs that comes with them. For instance, I don't want to discuss politics all day long. I'd like some tech, some weather, some culture, some current events, with a relatively conservative tone. Is that too much to ask for?

P.S. I've been quiet for a while and an explanation is forth-coming. Just not right now.

July 22, 2008

Wachovia Posts $8.9 Billion Loss -

Wachovia Posts $8.9 Billion Loss - "Its shares rose $1.19, or 9 percent, to $14.37 in afternoon trading."

Really? You can lose $8,900,000,000 -- IN A SINGLE QUARTER -- and have your shares go UP *9%*?!?


Maybe I don't get the economics behind the markets, but this strikes me as completely contrary. If General Motors comes out (as it has) and says that its posting a multi-billion quarterly loss, it gets PUMMELED on Wallstreet. Would someone with a better grasp on the economics at work here care to explain how this works?

July 15, 2008

12 Babies die during vaccine trials in Argentina

12 Babies die during vaccine trials in Argentina

This is utterly tragic. I realize that progress has a price, but when that price is a human life, do you really think its worth paying? Its the same price we pay in war, and that is not something people embark on callously (except George Bush.)

July 10, 2008

Encrypt the Entire Internet?

I saw an article on Reddit about members of The Pirate Bay wanting to encrypt all traffic on the Internet, end-to-end. This is an interesting idea on a number of levels that I'd like to explore: the practical, the legal, and the information security.

From a practical perspective, such an endeavor would require hurculean effort, to say the least. At a minimum, you're talking about adding a layer to every IP stack on every server and workstation on the planet (or at least those that "need" to participate in the encrypted Interweb.) This poses a number of challenges, to say the least. Not the least significant of which is how many other applications shim into the IP stack already, e.g. antivirus, intrusion detection, spyware, performance monitoring tools, etc. Interacting with all of these pre-existing shims will likely be hideously problematic. Supposing these obstacles can be navigated successfully, there remains the performance overhead that such a shim would invariably introduce and in turn the end-user satisfaction issue. This, of course, says nothing about the additional hurdles that Vista represents, but that's another matter altogether.

From a legal perspective, there are two-sides: those who want to protect their privacy and those who have a legal RIGHT to infringe on a persons privacy. Now, let me be clear: I'm in the camp of Believers who think that the right to infringe on a persons privacy is both necessary but HORRIBLY abused on a ROUTINE basis... so, my ramblings on this matter may need to be taken with a block of salt. That said, as for those who wish to protect their privacy I have two thoughts: if what you're doing is secretive there are already mechanisms in place to protect you, but if your secretive because what you're doing is illegal (e.g. kiddie pr0n) then you don't deserve privacy. Long-story short, encrypting the transport of data across the interweb will set law enforcement back a DECADE (and its already lagging horribly behind criminals.) I foresee any technology that prohibits law enforcement like this would as being legislated into oblivion, around the globe.

The perspectives from the information security world are slightly different, but they overlap somewhat with those of the perspective from the legal world. The basic issue is parallel to that of the LE world -- we can't do packet captures anymore. That makes our job harder. More than that though, it adds an element to the mix: non-repudiation. That is, if we DO get a capture (i.e. through a backdoor on the host from which we're trying to sniff traffic from), we can prove, with a high degree of certainty, that the traffic did come from the targeted host and that it could not ahve come from any other host -- because the cryptographic private keys would be unique (this is, mathematically, a misnomer, but it plays out in practical terms because of probability. I.e. if you take an infinite set -- all numbers -- and try to represent them in a finite set -- a cryptographic key -- you will have collisions, or instances of duplicate keys.) There is also the matter of "trust", i.e. can you trust a network shim conceived- and implemented-by people who's primary livelihood is on the "other side"? "Nay nay," as the great Jimmy Pardo would say.

July 07, 2008


Monday night I had the dubious honor of being the home-plate umpire at a little league baseball game... I had a front-row seat to six of the worst innings of baseball EVER played. I'll cut right to the chase: the final score was 22 to... wait for it... wait for it... 2! That's right, there was a TWENTY point spread.

These were 9 and 10 year old kids. The difference between skill-sets was absurd, especially in pitching. The "visiting" team's pitchers had mechanics while the "home" team was just playing catch, badly. Mechanics? I didn't even know what mechanics were when I was ten. For example, the "home" team's last pitcher -- I had to open the strike-zone to the point of where if the batter didn't have to dodge the pitch and it wasn't in the dirt or over the batter's head, it was a strike. It took this last "home" pitcher close to fifty pitches for him to get out of the inning and he didn't get any strike-outs. It was painful.

Kids Rock!

Amanda (my wife) and I have four kids: we were blessed (so saith the Psalmist in Psalm 126) with three sons first and recently a daughter. Four out of five people that I introduce my family to seem to think in incredibly shallow terms because invariably they say say something to the effect of, "Oh, you finally got your girl!" Like its some sort of "congratulations", or like we had son number three hoping he'd be a girl and that we were disappointed that James is anything but who he is? No.

I realize that some people may find this difficult to believe, but there are those of us out there who view children -- regardless of sex, color or developmental disposition -- to be a precious gift from God. Those of us who do view children in such a light are not so shallow as to be hung-up on having one girl and one boy. We're grateful for any blessing God bestows on us.

SO, the next time you meet someone with lots of kids, don't think you'll be cute and say something ignorant like, "you know what causes that, don't you?" Such comments are not polite, original or funny -- making such comments only proves you to be an idiot and a stooge for the Culture of Death.

Flock Media Plugins

I'm running Flock 2.0 (beta) and had heretofore been frustrated by my inability to get various multimedia plug-ins to work, until I discovered a slick little script that via the Flock forums. The script crawls your box and finds different media player plug-ins and makes the necessary links in your flock directory structure(s). This is pretty cool. Now, all my media bits work and some that didn't even work under Firefox!?! Wow. This is, of course, a Linux-only fix... if you're running Flock on Windows (God help you!) you're on your own.

July 03, 2008

Man found in WI basement covered in BBQ sauce

According to this story, "A couple telephoned police in the middle of the night after finding a man in their basement covered head to toe in barbecue sauce."

There are two sides to this story, and we're only getting one... as is the case with most shoddy reporting. SO, in the absence of the "perpetrator's" side of this affair, I'm going to write-up a short-story on how this guy came to be naked, covered in BBQ sauce and in someone else's basement. Suffice to say, this story will likely involve much wild conjecture and patent lying, but it ought to be good for a laugh... if it turns out, I'll share.

July 01, 2008


I've been playing with Flock, a "social browser". I knew of flock but hadn't used it in a VERY long time and since I've been getting more into the social networking thing I figured I'd give it another whirl. Turns out that aside from being grotesquely slow, its pretty dang cool!!! We'll see how well it holds-up over time, but for now I'm liking it a fair bit. If you've got a chance, check it out.

June 13, 2008

File Recovery: How to Recover Deleted Files with Free Software

File Recovery: How to Recover Deleted Files with Free Software

Since I do some data recovery on the side, this was a pretty-good run-down of the free stuff out there that you can use to recover data. Some day, I'll write a longer post about data recovery methods, but for now this will suffice.

June 09, 2008

Obama + Hillary == No Vote; McCain + Romney == No Vote

Like many of the Nation's "younger" voters, I find Obama's views on the economy and foreign policy quite appealing... if he weren't pro-abortion, I'd vote for him without hesitation. This presidential election has the potential to build a dynasty out of whoever is elected -- this president will probably get to appoint a chief justice, and will get to appoint new Federal Reserve officers... these are not trivial events. Moreover, we are at a dangerous time in our nation's history: the dollar is declining, oil is skyrocketing, we've done nothing about our dependence on foreign oil, China and India are rising in the East, Europe's influence on the world is ebbing severely (because they have not sufficiently reproduced) and the problems facing the world-over are broader than ever before. How our next president handles this tumultuous politiscape is going to shape -- good or bad -- our future for generations to come.

That said, could I vote for Obama? I don't know. Could I vote for McCain? I don't know. I think a lot of my decisions depend on who either of them select as a running mate. The next couple of weeks will be interesting, because I expect to see both candidates announce their running mate and that will solidify who I'll vote for, regardless of what else transpires on the campaign trail.

June 04, 2008

Minnesota Catholic Home Education Conference

Last weekend, Amanda and I attended the Minnesota Catholic Home Education Conference. Amanda had attended last year, but this was my first year. Generally, I found the conference useful. One thing, in particular, that struck me was the absolutely overwhelming volume of curriculum available! Its truly staggering. We'll be homeschooling our kids for the third year starting this Fall; our oldest will be in second grade, with our only other "school-age" child being in first grade.

Homeschooling has been an interesting experience for "us". Certainly by "us" I mean mostly my wife, who is primary care-giver, educator, nurse, and friend to all of our children, however as the kids get older I am trying to get somewhat involved. Its not easy, especially since I have no patience on a good day. :-\

If you're thinking about homeschooling, and live in the upper-plains, consider attending the conference next year.

May 23, 2008


On my way home from work tonight I passed Hillary's motorcade. In a rash of impulsiveness, I gave them "the bird", the whole time I could see them. At first I hoped she had seen me. Then it occurred to me that with her four troopers, many Secret Service agents, and over-head F-16's, that that probably wasn't the best move.

After my initial freak-out, I decided I'd do it again if I had the opportunity. Besides, how many people can say -- honestly -- that they've flipped off a presidential candidate and/or former first-lady of the United States? Probably more than you'd think (given its Hillary), but I take some small satisfaction in being one of the very small percentage of humanity that Did The Right Thing.

Hillary == The Whore of Babylon (Revelation 17:4-18) And if you're not into eschatology, I think that label still applies. I know a lot of people -- in all seriousness -- that would build a bunker and prepare for The End if ever she were elected.

iwl3945 performance is hideous

After upgrading to Ubuntu 8.04LTS, I noticed a DRAMATIC difference in the performance of the wireless on my HP nx9420... by "dramatic" I mean the difference of being able to download at between 4 and 8MB to downloading at never greater than 512K. That's pretty extreme. That said, I have previously noted that the iwl3945 drivers that shipped with 8.04 were broken and that I had to use the Linux Wireless Project's compatibility drivers. I suspect this is the root of my problems.

I've found a bug that indicates that the iwl3945 problems are not unique to me or my nx9420, and though most people have been able to remedy the problem simply by installing the LWP's compat drivers, I do not think this is a very solid solution on account of the fact that it leaves you with a functional yet extremely crippled wireless rig.

I'll continue working on this, but if anyone else has experienced this problem and has something they'd like to share as far as solutions are concerned, I'd LOVE to hear from you.

May 22, 2008

NetworkManager: busted old crap; WICD: hot freshness

I suspect that anyone who uses GNOME's NetworkManager application and tray applet to manage multiple network connections shares my frustration. I did some hunting after I wasted gobs of time yesterday fighting with NetworkManager... I found WICD. WICD is a sweet little suite of python scripts that can manage wireless and wired network interfaces, and so far it hasn't been the epic pain in the ass that NetworkManager has consistently been. w00t!!! I'm running it in XFCE on my EEE in addition to GNOME on my work laptop.

May 21, 2008

Return of an old domain

A long time ago (like the late 1990's) I had registered the domain, "". This was a vanity domain I had registered to host my computer security-related site back in the day... when I gave up the Black Arts, I abandoned the SodaPhish moniker and with it the domain. A couple of years later, I re-registered the domain, for nostalgic purposes, and had been running a site there for several years until 2007. In 2007, I forgot to renew the domain and someone registered it out from under me. I was pretty livid at first, but had since gotten over it. Really.

Back in February, the domain was up for renewal. I contacted the registered owner and offered them $150USD -- a very generous offer, in my mind. They declined. I explained to them, in simple, clear terms, that the audience for people looking to buy this domain was VERY small -- me. They never replied. Yesterday, the domain was released by the Registrar of the pirate that pilferred it from me, and I snatched it up via GoDaddy's Backorder process. Hooray!!!

And thus, an old domain returns... SodaPhish.COM

May 16, 2008

Cisco VPN on Ubuntu 8.04

One thing I hadn't tried following my upgrade to Ubuntu 8.04 was VPN. I use the Cisco VPN client with has native Linux support. Unfortunately, the install of the VPN client in Ubuntu 8.04 is horribly broken, and not just to the point of re-installing... 'cause it won't, without a patch. I had started hacking through the code on my own, but decided to do a quick check to see if anyone out there had already conquered this particular Linux Monster. In fact, someone had.

The patch went in without a hitch and the install took-off without incident.

I have the VPN connection up and all is well...

May 10, 2008

replacing GNOME Power Manager in XFCE4 on a laptop

I am running XFCE4 on my Eee PC, and since it was recommended to not use the GNOME Power Manager, I decided I'd implement the hack that allows you to use the XFCE battery manager and still have the power button bring-up the shutdown dialog... that hack is documented on the eeeXubuntu page... but there's a step missing: you have to tell X that your user is authorized to run programs like that on your display (this might seem like a bit bizzare to a Linux novice, but to those of us who grew-up running X11R6 from back in the day, it isn't too odd.) To do this, you have to add an entry to your /etc/X11/xserver/SecurityPolicy file:

property SCREEN_RESOURCES cjsteele ar aw

Once you've made the change, you just have to restart your X server -- I know you can do this without rebooting, but logging-out and logging-in didn't accomplish it, so I took the lazy path and rebooted. Now, it should Just Work.

May 02, 2008

Linux 101: Enable DVD Playback in Ubuntu in Two Commands

Linux 101: Enable DVD Playback in Ubuntu in Two Commands the interest of Freedom, every red blooded, American Linux user is obliged to do this.

May 01, 2008

Whacked-out Weather

So, its no mystery to anyone that the weather has been WEIRD this year, but here's just how weird it has been... this evening, on my way home I passed a weather spotter just outside of my home, which lead me to check the NOAA's website for weather warnings. On the NOAA's page, for my particular locale, there was a Tornado Watch and a Blowing Snow Advisory. I'll give that a second to sink-in... okay... tornados and snow.

I realize that I'm not a meteorologist, but I'm pretty-sure I understand the basic physics (in principle) behind how tornados form, so I'm utterly mystified at how a tornado could be formed in a weather system that is also going to drop SNOW!?!?

It turns out, that they aren't the same two systems, but two. However, you can imagine my shock at my initial reading of the warnings.

April 30, 2008

Ubuntu 8.04 upgrade == not so painless

I took the leap into Ubuntu 8.04 today on my HP nx9420. In typical fashion I didn't really think about it before I did it. That was probably an error in judgment on my part. Fortunately, things didn't go badly for me. I would say that they did NOT go smoothly -- I would expect that a Linux user of less experience would've been fighting these issues for days instead of a couple of hours. Briefly, I had four issues: 1) I dorked-up and let debconf over-right my grub.conf, 2) my video resolution in X was AWFUL, 3) the wireless driver would not associate with any wireless access-points and 4) video didn't resume after suspend.

The whole issue with debconf and my grub menu.lst boils down to the fact that I have a lot of different kernels sitting in /boot and it didn't pick the "right one" and what's more it picked one that didn't have an initrd. SO, on reboot I got a lovely kernel panic. After booting to a Debian 4.0 CD I had laying around, I was able to determine the problem and resolve it without too much issue. Stupid. Teach me to leave unused kernels about my file-system!

The video resolution with laptops and nVidia gfx cards always seems to be an issue. Fortunately, the ONE file I did back-up before the install took-off in full-swing, was my xorg.conf file. I simply copied it back to /etc/X11 and all was well. Incidentally, this was also the source of my woes in regards to video resuming after suspend.

Wireless on this thing really blew me away. Not that it was that hard to fix, but figuring it out wasn't so trivial. The basic problem is that there's a bug in the 2.6.24-16 kernel that comes with 8.04 by default, that affects anyone who uses an Intel wireless chipset (i.e. the iwl3945 or the iwl4965). This can only be resolved by either rebuilding your kernel or installing the Linux Wireless compatibility drivers from the Linux Wireless Project. Fortunately, installing the wireless compatibility drivers is virtually trivial. There are thorough instructions on the LWP homepage. I suggest you follow-them.

On a side-note, I did have to go through /etc/default/acpi-support and make the changes I noted on the Ubunto Laptop Testing Team wiki. Had I not previously applied Stephane Grabber's HP resume patch, I would've had to do that as well.

Gmail advanced search features

If you use Gmail, you may not be aware of the phenomenally powerful searching features that are available to you. Google has a really cool list of search operators you can use. I don't have anything spiffy to add to this, I'm just pointing it out for those who might not be aware of it.

April 22, 2008

"Yahoo! + Microsoft" or "Developing v. Delivering"

I'm not a business analyst and am barely even conversant in the mysterious ways of the "markets", but I do know that if I were a Yahoo! share-holder that I'd be voting to approve the proxy-bid for YAHO stock by MSFT. The reason is simple: Yahoo! and MSN have focused on DEVELOPING content while Google has focused on DELIVERING content. The "War of the Web" boils down to who can drive the most traffic through their site(s). Despite the fact that developing content will draw people, it cannot necessarily beat the delivery mechanism which allows content developed by anyone to be distributed to everyone -- its a marketing problem, at its most fundamental level.

Developing content is a complicated and costly business. I won't even try to act like I know what it takes when you're talking about the scale that Yahoo! and MSN do it, but even from my layman's perspective its rife with pitfalls: targeting the right audience, maintaining relevancy, factual accuracy, staffing, multi-media, etc... its a staggering number of hurdles, all of which have to come together in just the right way to make any real significant impact on an already crowded space.

Conversely, Google is simply a platform upon which others develop content (think here search rankings, news aggregation, etc.) and then the masses decide which of it is really worth having. Its very probably just as complex as developing content, but in a different, more achievable way, and it is proving to be dramatically less costly (compare the head-count of a combined MSFT & YAHO vs. GOOG... staggering!)

Google, in effect, has an army of content developers who are all eager to get their content out through the Google Machine, to generate their own revenue. YaMSN can't compete with that. Its like ants against grass-hoppers: sure grass-hoppers are bigger, but there are a billion ants to every grasshopper.

April 21, 2008

Ubuntu: WebDAV + DAVfs2 + FUSE == Thunar Goodness

One of the corner-stones of any *nix utility is that it should do a simple job and do it well. Every piece of software that I can think of that defies that basic principle is junk (e.g .emacs). Thats why Thunar totally kicks ass as a file-manager: it is a file manager, and ONLY a file manager. It doesn't even bother to handle things like mounting non-local file-systems for you, its JUST a file manager. And a fine one at that.

...back-up... a few months ago I got into a lease on a server that has ridiculous amounts of storage and obscene amounts of data transfer, and I wanted to figure out how to harness this box as a potential on-line backup of all the data I am responsible for creating and maintaining. I had used WebDAV for such endevours in the past, but couldn't quite find the time to piece together the different bits needed to make it work in my present environment (which is XFCE4 + GNOME). Tonight, I made the time.

Since my provider's cpanel install handled all of the muckety-muck of getting WebDAV setup, I'm not going to go into that detail. I will however explain what I did to get the WebDAV mounting to my workstation and visible in Thunar so I could transfer files up to it easily.

First, make sure you have FUSE and davfs2 installed. In Ubuntu, fuse comes pre-compiled and davfs2 is available via `apt-get install davfs2`. Once you have davfs2 installed you can test your davfs functionality by doing something like:

`mount -t davfs /tmp/networkdrive` (provided /tmp/networkdrive exists.)

It should prompt you for things like a username, password, and whether or not you want to accept the certificate being offered. If your `mount` completes successfully, verify that you can see what you expect to see in /tmp/networkdrive. If you can, you're golden. Next-up: automating it.

DavFS supports a file that feeds your authentication credentials to mount, automagically. This magical file is /etc/davfs/secrets. You need to create an entry for your new webdrive in the secrets file. The format is simple: There are ample examples in the secrets file too, for reference.

Once you have your secrets file created, simply make an entry in /etc/fstab for the new filesystem... this should look like:

davfs /tmp/networkdrive uid=USERID,gid=GROUPID,user 0 0
Once this is complete, you should be able to type `mount /tmp/networkdrive` and get the webdav drive to mount without having to provide a password or username. In some instances, yuou may still have to accept the certificate, but that's trivial. The nice thing is, if you've properly populated the USERID and GROUPID fields, you should be able to access those files without incident as your normal user.

Hooray! You should be done.

April 20, 2008

EEE PC: minimizing disk writes by relocating browser cache

I got my ASUS EEE PC 4G Surf on Friday. It took me all of ten minutes to decide that that default OS is pretty-much junk for a long-time Linux geek like me. SO, on Friday evening I installed EeeXubuntu. I rather fancy it. Seems like they've got the big issues worked-out, there are some asthetic issues that need to be overcome, but that's another post.

This post is dedicated to reducing disk IO on the EEE. SO, there have been others who've written about hacking /etc/fstab with mount options like 'noatime' and the like, and that is all well and fine, but here's my addition...

The overwhelming creation of temp files on my system comes from web-surfing. Therefore, I decided to make my Firefox Cache a ramdisk. This is pretty trivial, simply find your cache (usually in ~/.mozilla/firefox/SOMETHING/Cache where SOMETHING is a bunch of garbage text) and make an entry in /etc/fstab for it as follows:

tmpfs /home/USERNAME/.mozilla/firefox/SOMETHING/Cache uid=USERNAME,gid=USERGROUP 0 0

Next step is to close Firefox, delete everything in your Cache, and reboot (or do a `mount -a -t tmpfs -o remount`) and DISCO! your web browsing will all be cached.

This configuration has a couple of interesting security ramifications that I had not previously considered until I wrote-this-up... that is: 1) the forensic evidence of malicious web activity will not be stored on any disk, therefore there is virtually no forensicly sound information recoverable from the device unless it is taken "hot", and 2) since all cached data is destroyed after each boot, chances are that any malicious activity done TO YOU (i.e. malware from websites, etc.) won't be traceable either.

All of that aside, I still think for the purpose of cutting down on writes to the flash drive, this setup has merit... and it won't change my intentions of running this way.

April 15, 2008 -- no more condensed games!?!?

Alright, I understand the MLB has a fascist agenda, but do they have to be so explicit about it? I mean, honestly? SO, last year had two features that I thought absolutely kicked-ass:
1) it worked in Linux (which is of INFINITELY less import than the next feature, which was...)
2) it had so-called "condensed games", which were inning-by-inning wraps of each game played lastnight.

This year, some jackass at MLB decided that instead of "condensed games", they'd give us "Rewinds", which are basically the MLB's own sports desk doing highlights... THAT IS NOT what "condensed games" were! Garg!

I've submitted a request that they cancel my subscription and that they refund my money. Monsters.

Asus EEE 4G

I'd been thinking about it for quite a while, and I finally dove into the muddy waters of the sub-compact laptop market -- I bought an Asus EEE PC 4G in "Galaxy Black"... it should be here Friday. w00t! I'm most interested in this thing for my travel days. E.g. my upcoming trip to Vegas for the HP Tech Forum... it'd rock to be able to just have that dainty little thing instead of lugging my monster HP around!

At this time, my plans are to run XUbuntu on it, but I'm probably going to explore loading other desktops too... but only after I jack-up the RAM in that bad-boy... 512MB? I haven't had that little ram in eight years!!! Wow.

HP Tech Forum 2008, here I come!

I'm officially registered for HP's Technology Forum 2008 in Vegas. I'm actually really looking forward to it because they have an awesome mix of infosec, linux and networking sessions! I'm stoked. If you're going to be there, let me know!

April 11, 2008

that blasted Alero blew another motor...and this time, it wasn't my fault.

Over the past six months, I estimate I've sunk very close to $2k into my car... and its not even paid for. $2k!!!! How? Well, $400 for snow tiers, $300 for summer tires, $500 for a new motor, and another $500 for ANOTHER new motor. Come to find out that the "quad four" that comes in the Alero is perhaps the world's worst motor. I'm so pissed.

April 08, 2008

TRENDnet TK-207K 2-Port USB KVM Switch

If you have a TRENDnet TK-207K KVM, which is a two-port KVM that only supports USB keyboard and mouse... you may have discovered that the SCRLK+SCRLK+UP key combination doesn't switch between workstations. I asked TRENDnet about this and they told me two key things: 1) that they don't support wireless keyboards, and 2) that if SCRLK doesn't work, to try NUMLK.

NUMLK worked. It is glorious.

April 05, 2008

FIERCE is re-born.

SAVAGE, and VENGENCE, my WinXP and Linux Laptop, have been joined by FIERCE, their Linux brother. FIERCE is a 1.7Ghz Athlon with a gig of RAM and 80GB of disk running Ubuntu 7.10.

FIERCE used to be the heart-and-soul of my on-line presence -- it had been a Red Hat-based box for seven years. My recent relocation to BlueHost for my web-hosting has meant I'm free to do whatever I want with the old server (a.k.a. PROFESSOR). I still don't know what I'm going to do.

April 01, 2008

Killing `fsck` on boot

Being a laptop Linux user, I turn my box off more than the average user (or, more accurately, it hangs coming out of suspend so I have to reboot)... the result is that my laptop decides to `fsck` the drives after so many reboots. This really really sucks because invariably it happens at the least opportune time. I've been raging about this, privately, for quite some time and today finally decided to do something about it. Enter `tune2fs`.

`tune2fs` is a utility that allows you to tune the file system parameters of ext2 and ext3 file-systems. There are two switches of particular import: -c and -i. -c controls how many mounts the volume can go through before having to go through a `fsck`, while -i controls how long between `fsck` intervals (in days, weeks, months, etc.)

From my experience, I know its a bad idea to disable `fsck` altogether on account of the slight yet horrible possibility that you could end-up with file-system corruption. That said, I also don't want it to happen except with the rarest of frequencies. SO, I disabled the mount counter and set the `fsck` interval to 3 months. I figure I can handle a reality in which I have to sit through a full-fledged `fsck` of my disks four times a year. Here's the actual command and its output.

cjsteele@vengence:~$ sudo tune2fs -c -1 -i 3m /dev/sda1
tune2fs 1.40.2 (12-Jul-2007)
Setting maximal mount count to -1
Setting interval between checks to 7776000 second

March 25, 2008

Another Clinton Liar? SHOCKING!?!?!

ABC News: Clinton: I 'Misspoke' on Bosnia Recollection

So, is anyone surprised that Hillary lied about her Bosnia trip? I mean, honestly surprised? Why would you be? What kind of person stays with Bill? The kind that is just as good at his games as he is. She's evil, this is just proof. I pray for an Obama v. McCain race -- in which case I won't know WHO to vote for.

March 24, 2008

Ani-war protesters attack Catholic parishioners in Chicago

Ani-war protesters attack Catholic parishioners in Chicago

...the "logic" of these "protesters" is astounding. I mean, read the article, watch the videos, and tell me if these people aren't just absolutely insane. I believe I commented a few days ago about how the ADL, SPLC and CAIR were ratcheting-up their attack on Catholicism, and I would offer this incident as proof that the problem extends well beyond the organized hat-mongers to smaller 'cells' of anti-Catholic terrorists. Its no surprise this took place on Easter -- these hoodlums knew blind well what they were doing and how offensive it is. This is a hate-crime.

odf-converter-integrator - Ninja

odf-converter-integrator - Ninja

In grand fashion, MS Office 2007 uses completely different file formats from those of previous editions. The result is that the stock OpenOffice suite that ships with most distros isn't able to open documents created in Office 2007. The preferred fix, at this point (until 3.0 comes out) is to use odf-converter-integrator. Check out the link above.

Unix Toolbox

Unix Toolbox

If you're a *NIX novice, chances are you find the CLI (command-line interface, or "shell") a bit daunting. A thousand volumes and more have been written attempting to demystify the command-line, virtually all of which miss the mark. One simple solution is to provide people a list of commands with a very brief outline of what they do, and refer them to `man` for further reading. That's what the Unix Toolbox cheat sheet does. Of course, if you don't need it, don't waste your time with it, but if you're new to *NIX (Linux, BSD, UNIX, etc.), then it doesn't hurt to give it a quick look to see if it fits your needs.

March 11, 2008

Open Source Mac - Free, Open-Source software for OS X

Open Source Mac - Free, Open-Source software for OS X

This site is THE source for F/L/OSS software for OS X. Most of the apps here are ones I had already used, but I know it took me a while to find them, so it might be of interest to someone else if they didn't have to do the digging...even if you're a long-time Mac geek, you might find something new.

March 07, 2008

Linux desktop imitating OSX | Lauri Taimila

Linux desktop imitating OSX | Lauri Taimila

...for those of us who are Mac-o-philes, but run Linux out of necessity, there's still hope!

February 19, 2008

Pinnacle PCTV HD PCI Tuner == Junk

A few weeks ago I jumped into the murky waters of the world of HDTV with the express intention of being able to hook a PC up to the television so I could watch movies and play MP3's. I also had this grand notion of being able to cable my satellite receiver directly into the PC using a tuner-card and having one interface to rule them all. I think the idea was pretty solid. I bought a Logitech wireless keyboard and mouse to hook up to my IBM S50, which in turn is connected to my 42" Insignia television.

The S50 has a dual-core 2.2Ghz Pentium 4 processor... and a gig of ram... and an nVidia video card, yet the video output from the Pinnacle card is unreliable at best. If you make the video full screen, or just drag the window around, its like you've just asked the computer to calculate the answer to the Ultimate Question (about life, the universe and everything.) SLOW. I couldn't believe it.

So, I did some reading of reviews. Apparently, I'm not the only person who's had this problem with the PCTV card. It is, in fact, quite common. Now, ordinarily I'd write this off as being symptomatic of infant technology, but I know this ISN'T infant tech because a good friend of mine was doing this back in 1999 on an AMD K62!!! This is a classic case of a crappy product.

Unfortunately for me, I don't really want to spend the extra $50 to go to a better video input card, so I just returned it to Best Lies/Buy and that's that. I'll take the coin I had tagged for that card and buy a two-port KVM so I can get 'vicious' back on-line.

February 09, 2008

BBC NEWS | UK | Archbishop defends Sharia remarks

BBC NEWS | UK | Archbishop defends Sharia remarks

...the man is clearly a lunatic. Sharia law is entirely counter to everything that Western Civilization is based on and any fool who thinks the two can be "integrated" is stark-raving mad. Of course, the Archbishop of Canterbury is essentially a lunatic from the onset, these latest comments about integrating Sharia law are just the proof of it.

February 08, 2008

$2400 loan from my kids... sort of.

As many media outlets have reported recently, Chief Village Idiot (a.k.a. President Bush) has managed to convince the morons in Congress that giving people a loan from their kids is a good idea... 'cept they called it an "economic stimulus plan". What the hell? I never studied economics, but from what I've been able to pick-up by the limited reading I've done on the subject tells me that this "stimulus" plan is really just a band-aid on a gun-shot wound. This is the second most baffling move made by the Bush administration in recent memory. The first most baffling being the administration's utter failure in all things even REMOTELY concerned with the environment. And I voted for this guy? Shoot me now... oh wait, yeah, the alternative was John Kerry, never mind.

February 07, 2008

Intertrusion Migration

If you're landing here, chances are that you're coming from my domain, A few weeks back the server that hosted took a dive. Hardcore. Since, I've decided that maintaining my own box -- though geekier -- just isn't worth the time anymore. SO, I have setup THIS blog to take the place of my former WordPress blog. As for the content of my old blog, I'll eventually get it over here, I just haven't had the time to jump through all the hoops I have to in order to get that data back. Enjoy, and sorry for any disruption.

"New" PIX506

I was at a client's site today, helping them implement their shiny new ASA 5510 when the topic of their "old" remote office firewalls came up. Tim, the client, mentioned they had a half-dozen, or so, PIX506 firewalls that they had no use for. I asked if I could buy one, and he made it happen.

I got home, got the password recovered, wiped the config, and put it up on-line. In an odd twist of fate, I discovered I have only ONE ethernet cable in my entire house. W-T-F? That was the low point of my geekdom... how could I only have ONE Ethernet cable and call myself a geek? Pfft.

Next up: get the VPN setup so I can hit my LAN from the road! woot!

Register.COM FINALLY got my domains transferred

I swear! If ever a system existed to systematically oppress progress, it is InterNIC's domain transfer policy! Combine that with's pushy, archaic, dreadful domain transfer protocol, and you're probably better off hanging yourself than getting on with a domain transfer. I'm not kidding, it took inordinately LONG. I started this process on January 26... it just happened YESTERDAY. That's five days in January and 6 days in February. ZOMG!

Anywho, everything is now over at bluehost and eventually I'll get stuff up there. I'm probably going to leave my blog here until such a time as blogger does something to piss me off righteously and I decide to go it alone.

February 02, 2008

CAIR, ADL, and SPLC are the REAL bigots

I have never been coy or subtle about my utter disrespect for Islam. I have substantial respect for Judaism. I'm not a racist. On the contrary, the people at the CAIR, ADL and SPLC have labeled me as such because I am a "Traditional Catholic" and because I pray for the conversion of Jews and all non-Catholics. The CAIR, ADL and SPLC are at the nascent of their mind-war against all Christians, beginning with Traditional Catholics. Watch, because in the coming weeks and months, you'll see a ratcheted-up propoganda campaign. They'll start with the extremists like Michael Savage, and they'll move on to progressively less and less obviously skewed positions. Mark my words.

February 01, 2008

Microsoft Makes $44.6 Billion Offer to Buy Yahoo

All kidding aside, yesterday I thought, "Microsoft is going to buy Yahoo!". This particular thought was sparked because of my now nearly complete conversion to Google web apps where I had previously been a die-hard Yahooligan. Turns out, I was right as Microsoft Makes $44.6 Billion Offer to Buy Yahoo. Stunning. The REALLY cool part is going to be how [I hope] this drives competition. Time will tell.

January 28, 2008

Digg Goes Ape over Scientology

I admit that I've laughed at my fair-share of Digg stories bashing Scientology... it is, afterall, a religion for complete and utter fruit-cakes, alone. However, I wonder if Diggers aren't bypassing quality news items for the pursuit of Scientology. There were 124 hits to a recent search I did on Digg for "scientology". Wow. 124? Why so much attention to such a loony bunch?

read more | digg story

January 26, 2008

When Updates Go Wrong

This Friday evening, lastnight, I had some time to myself and decided to do some care and feeding of my various personal servers: a Windows Server 2003 box, a Mac OS X box, and my beloved Cisco ASA 5505. Only one of the boxes made it out of the OS updates unscathed: the ASA. The reward for my dilligence is that I've driven 130 miles this evening to go to where the boxes are physically housed to do what I can to resurrect them. The best part comes when I'm pulling off of the Interstate and pull onto Main Street and see literally a dozen firetrucks parked in front of the building where the boxes are hosted. Oh you can imagine my panic.

After I got over the initial shock of seeing the firetrucks, and realized that they were fighting a house fire across the street from my hosting facility, I took on the OS X server. When the display came up it was sitting at a text-based Darwin login prompt. That's new territory for me. Being an old *nix jockey though, I wasn't daunted until it wouldn't take my input from the keyboard. I rebooted and it came back VERY VERY slowly, but never finished booting. I'm resigned to the fact that this soldier may be down for the count. I can't even get into the OpenFirmware... I see the display flash, and it chimes (POST), but no love. :-( I'll see if the local Mac Doctors can do anything to save this poor chunk of silicon.

Next up: the Windows Server 2003 box. This box SEEMS to be operating correctly, but Terminal Services won't respond on it. Its like its not even listening on tcp/3389. Being a Windows box, I gave it another reboot and after a bit it came back and Terminal Services appears to be running JUST FINE. Damn Windows boxes. I swear. It wouldn't be so awful except this behemoth takes a day to reboot!!! Grr... SO even a second reboot, to verify that the first was in fact the resolution, took me about an hour. I'm not kidding, this thing is a dog. All is well now., the NEXT time I plan on doing updates, I'm probably going to be more than a little gun-shy.

So long

In the mid 1990's when I registered my first domain there were very few choices. It was basically InterNIC or someone you had never heard of. The thing is, these "guys you'd never heard of" actually provided value-added service that InterNIC didn't, which meant people like me didn't have to have a secondary DNS server and the like! SO, I began registering my domains with one of these "other guys", Register.COM. Back then, I couldn't have been happier.

We're ten years on from when I registered my first domain, and the Internet has changed A LOT. There are now dozens of value-added registrars, all vying for your business and all trying to squeeze in as much value as possible for the lowest price... except has not added any significant changes to their basic services but yet has kept their price the same. At $35 a pop, Register.COM is pretty-much the WORST possible registrar. I've been using GoDaddy for a couple of years and REALLY like their management tools. SO, today I decided it was the last day I had domains with and submitted the necessary transfer papers. Hooray!

Now its just a matter of time before I haven't got any crappy domains to manage.

January 25, 2008

Migration Aid & Taxonomy

One of the things I'm struggling with in my Migration from Word Press (aside from the fact that my Server took a poop on itself this afternoon when I rebooted it) is the notion of the taxonomy. WP uses "categories", which are essentially the Web2.0 "tags", but I haven't any idea how they'll come into Blogger.

I've found a lovely bit of software from James E. Robinson, III which, despite its profound lack of documentation, promises to be quite utilitous in migrating my WordPress blog. The gist of it is you drop a couple of PHP files on your server, tweak them to point at your WordPress install, and hit them from a web-interface... the whole thing should be pretty smooth. Unfortunately, I can't test it right now because my server is presently down. :-(

Aside from the sheer act of getting the content over to Blogger, I'm considering the taxonomy of my new blog. My previous blog had a very simple, yet effective, set of tags: "soapbox", "faith", "family", "geekery", "travel" and "food". Initially, I expect I'll keep that same set of tags with the intention of elaborating on them at some point in the future.

I'm also looking for ways to integrate various other bits of my gLife (all my Google bits) into my blog. I suspect that shouldn't be too difficult, but I haven't yet explored that.

More to come.


So begins the auspicious transition from my WordPress blog at to this blog. I have a number of reasons for transitioning from WordPress, not least of which is that I have grown weary of having to maintain the WordPress environment. In the coming days I'm hoping to get my WordPress blog pulled over to Blogger, even if that means some manual transfer (though I can hope it doesn't.)

My hope, by transitioning to Blogger, is that the wider support for Blogger will facilitate my more regular blogging. That said, I'm going to keep the focus I had on my blog at my faith, my family, geekery and gastronomy with an occasional blog on my travels.