July 29, 2009

Pulse Audio 'glitch-free' in Karmic

If you're running Ubuntu Karmic Koala (the up-coming 9.10 testing release) and you recently did a dist-upgrade, you may have noticed your sound is fubar. I did lastnight, and fairly quickly that all was not right with my sound.

I did the normal trouble-shooting things (going through sound properties, making sure the modules were loading, etc.) and nothing changed. SO, I did some googling and came-up empty-handed. As a last ditch, I joined #ubuntu+1 on Freenode and was instructed me to enable the 'glitch-free' setting in Pulse. This enables pulse to dynamically load modules as needed.

I made the change to 'glitch-free' and logged-off and back on again and sound worked for everything! w00t!

To enable 'glitch-free', you need to edit /etc/pulse/default.pa and search for the line that ends "tsched=0" and change the "0" to a "1".

One other note is that under the "Sound" dialog there is a new tab called "Applications" which allows you to adjust the volume levels PER APPLICATION! This is brilliant, but I believe the default mode is for applications to be muted. SO, if after enabling 'glitch-free' you're still having issues, try looking there and adjusting the volume levels for the app in question.

July 09, 2009

Three Cheers for Rep. Pete King!!!

I watched this video, and can't agree more with Rep. King. Michael Jackson was a dirt-bag, that he has been deified by the media is a true testament to the state of our society. What a lot of crap. To answer Rep. King's question, "would you leave your child or grandchild alone with Michael Jackson?" I have a resounding, "NO." The man was a pedo and a FREAK. In my opinion, we should have had a national day of celebration that he is no longer preying on the youth of our nation.