September 26, 2008


I've been a member of various on-line communities for a LONG time. Slashdot, Antionline, BSDForums, Digg, Reddit, various USENET groups and IRC channels, and I've ultimately found all of them lacking for one reason or another. SO, this is a request to see if anyone out there has found the perfect community... I'll go through why I don't like each of the above mentioned in the hopes that it helsp you identify what I'm looking for:
  • Slashdot - tired and old. Content was lagging.
  • Digg - whinos with a lefty bent.
  • Reddit - too busy complaining about Digg
  • Antionline - maturity was a foreign concept
  • 4chan - see antionline
  • craigslist - meh
  • redhotpawn - too many egos
  • IRC/Usenet - too many groups to actually participate in them all., what I'm looking for is a community that has a lot of different topics (like 4chan and craigslist) but without all the bs that comes with them. For instance, I don't want to discuss politics all day long. I'd like some tech, some weather, some culture, some current events, with a relatively conservative tone. Is that too much to ask for?

P.S. I've been quiet for a while and an explanation is forth-coming. Just not right now.